










本廠主要承做以下業務:漢白玉石雕蹲獅、漢白玉石雕走獅、漢白玉石雕臥獅、漢白玉麒麟、漢白玉貔貅(皮休)、漢白玉龍鳳燈柱、漢白玉盤龍柱、漢白玉蟠龍柱、漢白玉石獅子、漢白玉華表、拓荒牛、漢白玉佛像、柱頂石、漢白玉仙女、漢白玉人物、漢白玉石雕大象(石像)、漢白玉石牌坊、漢白玉石亭、石橋、漢白玉石碑、漢白玉盤龍柱、漢白玉欄杆、漢白玉欄板、花崗岩異形、石條、石板、漢白玉奠基石、門墩、漢白玉浮雕、華表、龍柱、刻字、硅砂、漢白玉毛料、古建園林(大理石羅馬柱、台明、剁斧石、板道、石桌、石凳、石燈、牌匾刻字、圓柱、花瓶柱、窗套、門套、風水球,並經營假山石、漢白玉石雕花盆、花崗岩、路芽石、機抱石、火燒板、路沿石等)、漢白玉石雕壁爐、漢白玉石雕噴泉、假山噴泉。漢白玉旗杆座、、漢白玉升旗台、、漢白玉御路、漢白玉日晷、、漢白玉偉人像、 漢白玉石雕像、周恩來漢白玉石雕像、國際主義戰士白求恩漢白玉石雕像、漢白玉人物雕塑、漢白玉抽象雕塑、漢白玉建築雕塑、漢白玉動物雕塑、漢白玉石雕動物,同時我公司有專業設計人員可根據您的需要,加工各種產成品異形石材。公司本着:質優、價廉、顧客至上的服務宗旨真誠與您合作。


北京房山 理石廠電話:13521803714,聯繫人:先生

The factory undertakes the composing of the following business mainly: White marbl carved stone crouches the lion , the sleeping white marbl carved stone lion leak from the lion , white marbl carved stone , white marbl kylin , white marbl mythical wild animal (Pixiu) , white marbl dragon and phenix lamp pole , white marbl ornamental column , the cattle opening up virgin soil , white marbl figure of the Buddha , the top of a pillar stone , white marbl fairy maiden , white marbl personage , white marbl carved stone elephant (figure in stone) , white marbl dolmen , white marbl Shi Ting  , stone bridge , white marbl stele , white marbl check dragon post , white marbl balustrade , granite dysmorphism , stone strip , flat piece of stone , foundation stone , door block , jade article treating , emboss , ornamental column, Dragon post , lettering , silica sand , white marbl woollen cloth , ancient times build gardens (breast board , platform Ming Dynasty , artificial stone with textures cut with an axe , rockery design , flowerpot , eroded limestone , mechanism cobblestone , mushroom stone etc.) , rockery fountain , nursery stock flowers and plants etc. paper of, saying that the stone table , stone bench , stone light , board carve characters on a seal , the column , vase post , window cover with , the door pocket , geomantic omen ball wait ,and managing. My company has special field to design the personnel but the need according to you at the same time, stone material processing various product finished product dysmorphism. The company is based on: "Quality is excellent , price is cheap , customers highest " service purpose is sincere cooperates with you.


General Beijing white marbl stone material factory telephone: 13521803714, person to contact: Mr. Zhou